Our Partners!

In addition, we have a new relationship with the Bellefonte Cafe in Bellefonte, Delaware. The Bellefonte Cafe offers a selection of delicious menu options, and they support Bellevue Farms by sourcing some of their produce from us! Please check out Bellefonte Cafe.

We are home to Honeybee Hives! In partnership with Sassy Bee Honey, we provide basic honey beekeeping lessons to youth and the community. Bees are a vital part of a healthy ecosystem, and we rely on healthy bee populations to pollinate our crops and other farms to provide food for harvest. Find out how you can help our bee populations thrive by planting native perennial flowers! Native flowers are easy to grow with little maintenance and provide essential food sources for local bees and other pollinators.


Bellefonte Lions Club


SIW Vegetables


For a stronger local food system, Bellevue Farms work with and supplements our offerings from other small local farmers. Building relationships makes for a stronger community and a more resilient food system. Please check out our local farm partners:

Sprouts on Manor - Claymont, Delaware

Conscious Connections Inc. - Wilmington, Delaware

Sassy Bee Honey - Bellefonte, De

Historic Penn Farm - New Castle, Delaware

Innersource Wellness Center and Regenerative Urban Farm - Pike Creek, Delaware

Bright Spot Farms - New Castle, Delaware

A.T. Buzby - Pilesgrove, NJ

First Generation Farms - Avondale, PA